RE: Cancellation of March 12 Afternoon and March 13 Sessions
March 12, 2020
After careful consideration of prevailing medical guidance, the First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) is cancelling the remaining sessions of the All Chiefs’ Meeting on Shared Territories and Overlaps due to the increasing risks associated with COVID-19.
The FNLC acknowledges the value and thoughtfulness of the dialogue in the sessions thus far. The FNLC will continue to seek opportunities for participation from all Title and Rights holders in advancing these issues, and will distribute further information via email and on our websites. A proceedings report will be made available to all participants based on the conversations that were possible and on further input provided.
If participants wish to reschedule travel to depart Vancouver earlier than planned, receipts should be submitted as part of the travel claim. If participants wish to maintain current plans, the hotel will remain available and original travel should not be impacted.
If you encounter any logistical difficulties associated with this cancellation please contact Allison Gavin, Conference Coordinator ([email protected]). For questions regarding the content of the forum or to make a submission for the final report please contact Colin Braker ([email protected]), Jaime Sanchez ([email protected]) or Andrea Glickman ([email protected]).
The FNLC encourages all participants to take every precaution for their health and wellbeing while departing the forum, and recommends continuing to refer to the updated guidance available from the First Nations Health Authority, HealthLinkBC, and the BC Centre for Disease Control.
Please take care and thank you for your role in this important work.