MEDIA ADVISORY OF PRESS OPPORTUNITY: Spirit Fast for the Fraser: Indigenous Ceremony Concludes with Feast and Shared Vision to Cancel Trans Mountain Expansion.
WHAT: Spirit Fast for the Fraser - a traditional four day Indigenous spiritual fast - concludes Friday at noon with fasters being welcomed back and a feast for supporters and witnesses. The fast offers up sacred prayers for the waters and all life, and is being held on the banks of the Fraser River in Coquitlam at the site where the TransMountain pipeline is proposed to be drilled under the most vital water way in B.C.
WHEN: Friday, September 10 at 1PM
WHERE: Unceded kʷikʷəƛ̓əm Territory (Coquitlam, BC) — Maquabeak Park, 5 Burbidge Street, Coquitlam. From the east end of the parking lot, walk 100 metres to the east (past bathrooms and to the east under the Port Mann bridge). The trail is wide and mostly level fine gravel.
Speakers include:
Kukpi7 Judy Wilson
Sara Cadeau
For logistics and questions: contact Sara Ross 778-898-0464
Kukpi7 Judy Wilson [Red Hummingbird Woman]: Kukpi7 Judy Wilson has served her community of Neskonlith for 13 years as Kukpi7 (Chief), and for 8 years as a council member. She is a strong advocate for recognition of inherent Title and Rights and self-determination and for the fundamental shifts needed for the survival of all Peoples.
Sara Cadeau: Community Organiser, Aunty and Traditional Wellness Practitioner. Sara is a mixed race and Anishinaabe Kwe. Traditionally known as Woman Who Makes Knees Shake, Badger Clan. Raised in full colonial erasure from Indigenous culture, her family is registered to Garden River, Ojibway first nation Ontario.
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