Joint UBCIC, AFNQL, AMC Letter re. Fixing Broken Review Process for Tar Sands Pipelines
December 17, 2015
Re: Fixing the Broken Review Process for Tar Sands Pipelines
Kindly accept our sincere congratulations on your election victory. There are real opportunities now for the federal government to finally recognize First Nations’ rightful place at the core of Canada’s past and its future. One such opportunity is the critical roadmap provided in the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). We are pleased that your Government is committed to implement all 94 Calls to Action.
Read moreJoint News Release: RCMP provocation of Indigenous land defenders denounced
(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, B.C. – August 27, 2015) The Indigenous Unist’ot’en Clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation in northwestern BC are on high alert about a likely impending large scale RCMP mass arrest operation on their territory. The RCMP have made a number of visits to the Unist’ot’en as well as other First Nations leadership regarding the Unist’ot’en community’s active exercise of their Aboriginal Title and Rights to protect their lands from oil and gas development.
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