Talk is Cheap: UBCIC Demands Real Action on Climate Change from Federal Government
News Release
October 19, 2018
Talk is Cheap: UBCIC Demands Real Action on Climate Change from Federal Government
(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, B.C. – October 19, 2018) The Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) calls shame on the Federal Government for the pitiful debate held in response to the International Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) report, released October 8th.
Read moreOpen Letter to Ministers Carolyn Bennett and Jody Wilson-Raybould - Historical Losses and What Is Owed: The Need for Transparency Regarding Canada’s Liabilities in First Nations Land Claims
Dear Ministers Bennett and Wilson-Raybould,
We write today to call on you to demonstrate your government’s public commitments to transparency and the renewal of Canada’s relationship with Indigenous peoples by disclosing how Canada calculates its contingent liabilities regarding Indigenous Nations’ land claims – and by affirming your government’s intention to fulfill its outstanding lawful obligations to Indigenous Nations by fairly resolving these claims.
Read moreIndigenous Leaders celebrate 50th Annual General Assembly of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs
News Release
October 3rd, 2018
Indigenous Leaders celebrate 50th Annual General Assembly of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs
(Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Territory/Kamloops, B.C. – October 3rd, 2018) The Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) is celebrating its 50th Annual General Assembly (AGA) this week, a gathering of over 100 Chiefs, proxies, and policy experts to discuss significant political and social issues that impact BC First Nations.
Read moreOpen Letter to the NEB Re: Trans Mountain Reconsideration
RE: The National Energy Board’s One Week Consultation Period for First Nations Affected by the Trans Mountain Pipeline and Tanker Project
Dear Ms. Sheri Young:
We are responding to a letter dated September 26th, 2018 regarding the re-assessment of the Trans Mountain Pipeline and Tanker Project, in which the National Energy Board requested feedback from First Nations affected by the pipeline route regarding the updated process. As stated, the letter is dated September 26th, but presents a deadline to Indigenous communities to register to participate in hearings and to provide submissions by October 3rd – a period of only one week.
Brief initial comment on VPD street check report
September 26, 2018
Vancouver Police Board Service and Policy Complaint Review Committee
Re: Service or Policy Complaint #2018-133 on Street Checks
Dear Committee members,
We appreciate the VPD’s considerable effort in drafting report #1809C01 in relation to the above-noted complaint. We have had a brief opportunity to review the report. Due to the short time we have had to review the report, this letter is not our full response.
Release: Indigenous leaders urge Trudeau to respect the Federal Court of Appeal’s unanimous decision, and cancel Trans Mountain
"Mr. Trudeau, enough is enough,” Grand Chief Stewart Phillip
(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, B.C. – September 21, 2018) The Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) is calling on Prime Minister Trudeau to accept the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion and tanker project’s defeat in the Federal Court of Appeal, and to cancel the recent directive to the National Energy Board (NEB) to re-perform its environmental assessment of the ill-conceived and ill-fated project.
Read moreUBCIC Celebrates Landmark Court Win that Signals the End of Trans Mountain Pipeline and Tanker Project
News Release
30 August 2018
UBCIC Celebrates Landmark Court Win that Signals the End of Trans Mountain Pipeline and Tanker Project bbb
(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, B.C. – 30 August 2018) The Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) is celebrating the Federal Court of Appeal verdict on the Trans Mountain approval and calls on Prime Minister Trudeau to immediately stop construction and shut the project down.
Read moreIndigenous Opposition Steadfast as Kinder Morgan Canada Stockholders Prepare to Vote on Trans Mountain Deal
News Release
August 29, 2018
Indigenous Opposition Steadfast as Kinder Morgan Canada Stockholders Prepare to Vote on Trans Mountain Deal
(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, B.C. – August 29, 2018) Tomorrow in Calgary, Kinder Morgan Canada Ltd stockholders are scheduled to vote on Canada’s offer to purchase the Trans Mountain pipeline and tanker project. They are widely expected to accept $4.5 billion from the federal government for a line they only paid $550 million for in 2005.
Read moreBC First Nations being devastated by Wildfire Season of 2018, immediate resources needed
News Release
August 22, 2018
BC First Nations being devastated by Wildfire Season
of 2018, immediate resources needed
Coast Salish Traditional Territory/Vancouver: BC First Nations leaders are calling on the federal and provincial governments to provide immediate and on-going supports needed by the numerous BC First Nations directly impacted by the 2018 BC Wildfire Season and to also create a BC First Nations Emergency Management Fund, which was proposed following the 2017 BC wildfire season.
Read moreOPEN LETTER: Kinder Morgan Canada Authorization Requests Dear Premier Horgan, Minister Heyman, and Minister Mungall
OPEN LETTER: Kinder Morgan Canada Authorization Requests
Dear Premier Horgan, Minister Heyman, and Minister Mungall:
We are writing to you regarding a recent letter that was sent to the Neskonlith Indian Band from Ian Anderson, President of Kinder Morgan Canada (enclosed). This letter, which provides detail on the transfer of control of the Trans Mountain pipeline from Kinder Morgan to the Government of Canada, makes mention of the fact that Kinder Morgan will soon request specific authorizations from the Government of British Columbia to resume construction. We urge you to continue to stand with the First Nations and British Columbians who are justly opposed to this pipeline, and to deny all authorization requests sent to the Province from Kinder Morgan.
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