Coalition on MMIWG2S Stands With Wilson-Raybould & Philpott
News Release
April 23, 2019
Coalition on MMIWG2S Stands With Wilson-Raybould & Philpott
(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, B.C. – April 23, 2019) The Coalition on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People in BC is deeply outraged and angered at the expulsion of former Justice Minister of Justice and Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould and former Treasury Board President Jane Philpott from the federal Liberal caucus and that they were dropped as election candidates for the party. The Coalition stands with both of these strong women and we remain staunch in our support and solidarity.
Read moreMMIWG Coalition dismayed by essential transport service cuts
MMIWG Coalition dismayed by essential transport service cuts;
calls for safe, affordable, reliable transit
(August 15, 2018 – Coast Salish Territories) The recent elimination of Greyhound services across western Canada has had a devastating and chilling effect upon Indigenous community members, especially upon Indigenous women and girls. The Coalition on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (“the Coalition”) calls upon the government of British Columbia to implement a permanent transit solution for affected areas, especially those that are rural and remote, and one that is safe, affordable and reliable.
Read moreNational inquiry six-month extension “too little, too late,” say coalition members
(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, BC - June 7, 2018) – Members of the BC Coalition on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (the coalition) are deeply disappointed that Canada has granted only a six-month extension to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (the inquiry). Many Indigenous, civil society, and front-line service organizations supported the inquiry’s request for a two-year extension, to allow it to heed calls from the grassroots to reorganize its work and hold in-depth and meaningful institutional and regional hearings.
Read moreCoalition Honours Families and Advocates as Canada Launches National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, B.C.- December 10, 2015) Earlier this week, the Canadian Government announced the launch of the national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, beginning with pre-inquiry consultation. The Coalition on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls honours families and advocates who fought tirelessly for the national inquiry, and looks forward to participating in the pre-inquiry consultation and the inquiry itself.
Read moreCoalition Demands Action on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Makes Preliminary Recommendations for National Inquiry
Coalition Demands Action on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Makes Preliminary Recommendations for National Inquiry
(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, B.C. – November 9, 2015) A Coalition on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls is holding a press conference this morning to advise the public that British Columbia has failed to make significant progress on many of the recommendations from the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry (MWCI) and continues to ignore international recommendations from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). Given their experience with the MWCI, the Coalition is making preliminary recommendations to the newly elected Trudeau Government for the National Inquiry which Prime Minister Trudeau promised would start immediately.
Read moreOPEN LETTER: UBCIC Demands Premier Clark Apologize for Highway of Tears Deleted Emails and Implement Recommendations from Privacy Commissioner’s Report
October 29, 2015
Premier Christy Clark
Victoria BC V8W-9E1
Via facsimile: 250-387-0087
OPEN LETTER: UBCIC Demands Premier Clark Apologize for Highway of Tears Deleted Emails and Implement Recommendations from Privacy Commissioner’s Report
Read moreCoalition on Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls Demands Provincial Accountability for Deleted Emails regarding Highway of Tears
(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, B.C.- October 27, 2015) A Coalition on Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls is extremely upset that the BC Information and Privacy Commissioner has found that Ministry of Transportation staff willfully deleted emails related to the Highway of Tears, a remote stretch of Highway 16 between Prince Rupert and Prince George, where many Indigenous women and girls have been murdered or disappeared.
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