Virtual Meetings - Chat Guidelines

Rules and Guidelines for
Virtual Meetings

UBCIC has created these rules to create & maintain a respectful space for Chiefs, Proxies, Presenters and Observers. 

By using the Zoom chat function, you agree to the rules and guidelines for UBCIC's virtual meetings.

  1. Display Name will be changed upon entry.
    To keep track of Chiefs & Proxies during the meeting, UBCIC staff will rename all virtual attendees to reflect the individual's registration. 
  2. Be respectful to the attendees of the UBCIC meeting.
    Per UBCIC’s Code of Conduct for Meetings and Assemblies, personal attacks, prejudice, sexism, and racism will not be tolerated in the chat for virtual meetings, and the Zoom chat manager has the right to moderate as they see fit.
  3. Please do not share personal information.
    For your safety and privacy, please refrain from sharing personal information (phone number, address, social media)
    If you need to share personal information, please use the direct message function. 
  4. No impersonation of other attendees.
    Please communicate with the registration staff if you use another person's Zoom account or meeting link. We need attendees' display names to be accurate for quorum and meeting records.
  5. Only comments and questions from the meeting “floor” will become part of the official meeting record.
    Comments and questions typed into the meeting chat are not captured in the official meeting minutes. Chiefs & Proxies must raise their hand and be called on by the Chair to speak if they wish to have their comments recorded in the minutes.

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