Endorsed September 14, 2010
It is a guiding principle of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs (“UBCIC”) that our Aboriginal Title and Rights are inherent – a gift and responsibility given by the Creator to our Peoples, together with the laws to carry out these responsibilities. The UBCIC’s mandate is to work towards the implementation, exercise and recognition of our inherent Title, Rights and Treaty Rights and to protect of our Lands and Waters, through the exercise, and implementation of our own laws and jurisdiction.
The UBCIC strengthens Indigenous Nations to assert and implement their Aboriginal Title, Rights, Treaty Rights and Right of Self-Determination as Peoples. The UBCIC works collectively amongst Indigenous Nations in B.C. and to act as an advocacy body to provide a cohesive voice (regionally, nationally and internationally) in support of Indigenous Nations and communities, and to promote and protect each Nation’s exercise of Sovereignty within their traditional territories.
The UBCIC upholds the principles and standards articulated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) for the establishment and maintenance of a universal framework of minimum standards for the survival, dignity, well-being and rights of Indigenous Peoples. The UBCIC advocates for Indigenous Peoples’ Right of Self-Determination under international law including to freely determine their political status and pursue economic, social and cultural development. The UBCIC affirms Indigenous rights to own, use, develop and control our lands, waters and resources, according to our own laws, and the requirement of states to give legal recognition and protection to these rights.
The UBCIC seeks to provide open, respectful communications with membership and people of the land and citizens of the Province. The UBCIC is collectively directed by Indigenous Nations and communities, to support and strengthen Indigenous governments in the exercise of our inherent rights and responsibilities, including in the areas of political, social, economic, cultural, and spiritual Sovereignty and development.