JULY 23, 2018
Proposed Federal Recognition and Implementation of Rights Approach
Background: In follow-up to the June 26, 2018 Recognition and Implementation of Rights Forum, the FNLC will host a follow-up All Chiefs Forum on July 23, 2018, in Vancouver BC, to collectively discuss an updated rolling draft Recommendations Document. The rolling draft Recommendations Document has been updated to include recommendations provided at the June 26 All Chiefs Forum and those submitted in writing, and is attached to this notice. Additionally please find attached the “Conceptual Drafting Instruction for Recognition Legislation”, which will be discussed on the 23rd. Finally please find attached the summary notes from the June 26th meeting.
Location: 999 Canada Place, Vancouver. Ballroom A, East Convention Centre.
Agenda: Please find the draft agenda attached.
Registration: Please follow this link to register:
Accommodation: The deadline for booking accommodation has passed but rooms may still be available.
Executive Hotel Vancouver Airport
Group rate: $245.00 per night
7311 Westminster Highway
Richmond, BC V6X 1A3
Online Booking Code: UBCIC76753
604-278-5555 or 1-800-663-2878
If booking by phone use group name UBCIC
Travel: We endeavor to provide a travel subsidy to one delegate per First Nations community.**
We look forward to your ongoing involvement, should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the following technical support staff:
- For BCAFN contact Maureen Buchan, Senior Policy Advisor. Email: [email protected]; Phone: 250 377 5418;
- For UBCIC contact Matthew Norris, Policy Analyst. Email: [email protected]; Phone: 604 684 0231 ext. 223
- For FNS contact Colin Braker, Communications Director. Email: [email protected]; Phone: 604‐926‐9903.
** The extent to which a subsidy will be provided will be determined by the total amount of funds available. In all cases, the proper documentation will be required to be considered for a subsidy. The exact extent of subsidy to be received (if eligible) cannot be set beforehand.
Download June 26 Meeting Summary
Download Louise's Conceptual drating instructions for recognition legislation
Download RRF - Principles and Recommendations of Chiefs and Leadership