UBCIC has released a guide on Elders Abuse, how to spot and where to find help.
If you are being abused, call VictimLinkBC at 1-800-563-0808
VictimLinkBC is a free and confidential telephone service available across BC and the Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
VictimLinkBC provides information and referral services to all victims of crime, and immediate support to victims of family and sexual violence.
Elder abuse is a form of family and sexual violence.
VictimLinkBC can help you find support near you, even in rural communities.
All victims’ services in BC are free.
A note on the term "elder":
In this guide, the term "elder" will refer to Indigenous people who are 55 years and older.
We will use the terms "elder" and "senior" interchangeably.
This term should not be mistaken with "Elder" as an honour or title.
What is elder abuse?
Elder abuse is the mistreatment of an older person by a friend, family member, spouse, nurse, or caregiver.
Elder abuse is a crime. Elders deserve respect, safety, and security. There is no excuse for abuse.
There are three categories of elder abuse:
- Domestic elder abuse usually takes place in the elder's home or in the home of the caregiver. The abuser is often a relative, close friend, or caregiver.
- Institutional abuse is abuse that takes place in a nursing home, foster home, or assisted-living facility.
- Self-neglect is behaviour of an elder that threatens their own health or safety.
Terms to know:
- An “elder” is an older person who is 55 years and older.
- A “caregiver” is a person who has been trusted to take care of an elder. A caregiver can be a spouse, friend, or family member. A caregiver can also be a professional, such as a nurse.