McKenna-McBride Royal Commission

Minutes of Decision 1913-1916

titleTOC.jpgThe McKenna-McBride Royal Commission had a significant impact on Indian peoples’ reserve land base by adding to, reducing and eliminating reserves throughout the province. The McKenna-McBride Royal Commission authorized such action through Minutes of Decision. These may be found in the Commission’s four volume Report of the Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British Columbia, organized under the Indian agency to which a band was assigned. The changes to reserve land in each agency are also summarized in the Royal Commission’s Final Report under sections titled New Reserves or Reductions and Cut-Offs. However, any reductions or cut-offs that occurred in the Railway Belt reserves were disallowed by the federal government. To confirm whether the Royal Commission’s decisions took effect, check the 1923 and 1924 Ditchburn-Clark Reserve Schedules.

The UBCIC Library and Archives maintains an exhibit on the McKenna-McBride Royal Commission, which includes copies of the testimonies and report as well as other educational resources.

Final Report Table of Contents

General Report 

Interim Reports

Progress Reports 

Reserves Summary

Babine Agency

Bella Coola Agency

Cowichan Agency

Kamloops Agency

Kootenay Agency

Kwawkewlth Agency

Lytton Agency

Naas Agency

New Westminster Agency

Okanagan Agency

Queen Charlottes Agency

Stikine Agency

Stuart Lake Agency

Treaty No.8

West Coast Agency

Williams Lake Agency


Babine Agency

Bella Coola Agency

Cowichan Agency

Kamloops Agency

Kootenay Agency

Kwawkewlth Agency

Lytton Agency

Naas Agency

New Westminster Agency

Okanagan Agency

Queen Charlottes Agency

Stikine Agency

Stuart Lake Agency

West Coast Agency

Williams Lake Agency