March 18, 2019
Senators of Canada
The Senate of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A4
OPEN LETTER RE: Support for the Immediate Passing of Bill C-262
Dear Senators,
The First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) is calling on each Senator of Canada to support the passage of Bill C-262, An Act to ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, without delay.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, in Call to Action #43, called upon the “federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal governments to fully adopt and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the framework for reconciliation.”
Bill C-262 was passed in the House of Commons on May 30, 2018, with the overwhelming majority of votes cast in support of the bill.
Bill C-262 must not be stalled in the Senate. With a looming federal election, there is a substantial and unacceptable risk that the bill may miss the legislative window.
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the General Assembly in September 2007 after more than 20 years of discussions. Canada has delayed the implementation and recognition of the international human rights standards of Indigenous peoples for far too long.
UN Treaty bodies, the independent expert groups responsible for promoting state compliance with binding international conventions like the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, have repeatedly called on Canada to fulfil its human rights obligations by implementing the Declaration.
The FNLC is calling on the Senate of Canada to immediately pass Bill C-262 and to begin the initial work of implementing the UN Declaration, the most comprehensive, universal international human rights instrument explicitly addressing the economic, social, cultural, political, spiritual and environmental rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Grand Chief Edward John
Robert Phillips
Cheryl Casimer
Grand Chief Stewart Phillip
Kukpi7 Judy Wilson
Regional Chief Terry Teegee
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Why do you feel the UN is the answer to your problems? You guys do realize that the UN also wants everyone to be able to come here, like some sick global village, you are in just as much danger as us.
Having no boarders is what got you all into this mess in the first place, no? So, when i see your people demanding we let in the next round of settlers, and it appears you are doing this because they say they want to give you rights, do you not see the play? They manipulate us too, but they know you have a grudge so they will play on that.
Its like Democrats in the USA, they will take and use and relate with you whatever they can, they are a foreign entity, they have numerous child crimes under their belts and your children might be at even more risk now. Sure Canada is big, it can fit a lot of people in it, but do you know who is coming? Do you know what kind of problems they bring? How many First Nations know islam? When the numbers become so great they encroach more and more on your land, do you think the UN that put them there is going to still give you those rights they promised you? We are not in their plans, we are either of use or in the way of those plans.
They will come to you when it is to their advantage, I wouldn’t doubt it too if they purposely piss you off just so you push even harder for the UN to have authority here. Thats the way they roll, cause a problem, offer a solution. I literally just caught them pulling a false flag, I have the proof too, but, no one wants to touch it, not one side, not the other. They pull these things just to pass laws. See why I can see they are doing it to you too? Thats the way they work, they cause problems, they terrorize entire populations just to sign a piece of paper. Go and look on Archives website, type in the UN website on there and see how many documents they have erased from existence, ones about child rape, ones about population replacement, if you cant find it, email me, I would be happy to help you. Remember too, if the UN was so concerned about your future, they wouldn’t be demanding we submit to their immigration control takeover. Well, they didnt need to demand, Justin signed away yours and our children;’s futures without a moments thought.
I respect you, I respect you people, but if your want to have more respect or more power means that you give away your land to even more foreigners and potentially wipe your people out completely in the process, then I fear it will just be more of the same and a problem for next generations to come. These people tried to take over the world once before, shortly after the second world war, this is the same group, the same goal, they want one world, but that doesn’t mean you will be in it. You thought the English were bad, we open the doors for too long the next might not spare a single soul. Remember too where all these drugs are coming from that are wreaking havoc on your youth, no boarders, no wall, more drugs for them all? Of course no one wants to be cruel, no one wants to harm women and children, but open boarders will harm them, thats why its so bananas, i watch the USA too, one side cries for open borders, thinking only of a family or two, while at the same time they are putting little kids in danger not just by what they say, but by pushing for something that actively effects them. 1 baby trafficked is one too many.