The purpose of this unit is to introduce students to historical and contemporary legal decisions that have shaped the landscape of Aboriginal Title and Rights. By reviewing precedent-setting legal decisions and federal/Crown legislation (such as the Royal Proclamation, 1763; the Indian Act, 1876; and the Constitution Act, 1982) students will develop an understanding of how Canadian legal decisions have impacted the social, cultural, economic and political livelihood of Indigenous People in Canada.
The unit is available in Power Point form:
Two World Views in Law: Introduction
The lesson includes on short, quiz-format assessment exercise. Educators may use any or all of these questions. Potential answers have been provided; however, educators are advised to use the quiz as they see fit.
"Two World Views in Law" can be taught as a standalone lesson or integrated with two other units created by the UBCIC on the subject of Aboriginal Title and Rights:
Cut-off Lands in BC and the McKenna McBride Commission
Additional information for educators
This lesson draws on research and archival material from the Union of BC Indian Chiefs' digital collections: Our Homes Are Bleeding and the First Nations Digital Document Source (FNDDS). These materials are based on a research paper on Aboriginal Title and Rights commissioned by UBCIC in 2007.
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