FEBRUARY 21st – 22nd, 2024
February 20, 2024
Dear Chiefs Council, sister organizations, and friends:
The next UBCIC Chiefs Council meeting will take place February 21st – February 22nd, 2024. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom, and the June 2024 Chiefs Council will resume being in person. Please register here and reach out to [email protected] if you would like assistance with registration. The final draft agenda is attached for your review, including a new update from Alexandra Banford, Ministry of Finance, on First Nations initiatives in the provincial budget on February 22nd, as the budget will be released that morning.
We are pleased to be joined by Dr. Cindy Blackstock to discuss the SCC decision upholding the constitutionality of An Act Respecting First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children, youth, and families. We will also be joined by new MCFD Minister Grace Lore and Deputy Minister David Galbraith for an hour of dialogue with the Chiefs Council. In addition to an overview of the current legal landscape from Mandell Pinder including upcoming legislation and Land Act amendments, we are grateful to have a presentation from Gitanyow on their title case and an opportunity to dialogue on the climate emergency and related emergency management with a keynote from Dr. Simon Donner and a presentation on the spotted owl. The meeting will include a further discussion on Métis Colonialism in B.C. and advancing a Distinctions Based Approach. We are also honoured to hear from Kukpi7 Ron Ignace, Commissioner of Indigenous Languages for Canada as well as receive an update on repatriation and heritage conservation from Dave Schaepe and Dr. Judith Sayers. Please see the full agenda for all speakers.
Door prizes will be drawn at the end of each day and include:
Day one
1. $100.00 multi restaurant gift card and $50.00 cineplex card
2. $100.00 multi restaurant gift card and $50.00 cineplex card
Day two
3. $100.00 multi restaurant gift card and $50.00 cineplex card
4. $250.00 Bestbuy gift card
A draft B.C. First Nations Critical Mineral Strategy, prepared by First Nations Energy and Mining Council, is attached for your review in advance of an endorsement resolution that will be considered on February 22nd. Also attached is a PowerPoint presentation on First Nations involvement in negotiations on a new multilateral agreement for emergency management, to prepare you for related discussions and a resolution on February 22nd.
The full digital kit is available at and the draft resolution package will be emailed to delegates.
Attached, please find a proxy template letter as well as a membership letter for the 2023-24 fiscal year. Please contact Tracy Point ( [email protected] or 604-831-4265) if you have not yet renewed your membership. Information about the Chiefs Council is also on our website:
Andrea Glickman
Policy Director
Registration for Virtual Attendance
no later than 4:00 pm on February 19th, 2024, to receive your meeting link.
Everyone MUST pre-register for the UBCIC Chiefs Council Zoom meeting.
Registration helps staff track and support meeting delegates (Chiefs, proxies, representatives), speakers and observers. Pre-registration is also required to receive a unique Zoom meeting link. UBCIC uses Zoom to register all delegates. All registrants will receive a Zoom meeting link. - Be sure to use an email address that you can access for the Chiefs Council Zoom meeting. Only those who register in advance for the UBCIC Chiefs Council meeting will receive their unique Zoom meeting link via email.
- Registration Confirmation: Once you have submitted the online registration form, you will receive an email within 48 hours indicating that your registration has been confirmed. The email will be sent from [email protected] under the subject line “UBCIC CHIEFS COUNCIL Confirmation”. Please retain the email with the Zoom meeting link as it will be required to attend the meeting.
If you have indicated upon your registration that your community is not currently in good standing
(membership dues owing), please contact Tracy Point ([email protected])
or 1-604-831-4265) to arrange for payment.
Per the UBCIC Constitution and Bylaws, only members in good standing in the current fiscal year (April 1st, 2023, to March 31st, 2024) may speak from the floor or vote on resolutions brought forward during the meeting.
Registration Support: Please direct any registration questions or concerns to Angie Bain, Registration Lead ([email protected]). Angie and the registration team are also available for registration support during the meeting
Proxy Information
We encourage members to be prepared with a proxy letter in advance of the meeting, whether you are sending a proxy in case you need to step out briefly (and return later), or if you need a proxy to stand in for you throughout the entire meeting. Advance preparation will also help ensure that the meeting maintains quorum for voting purposes.
Attached is a proxy template letter for your convenience. You are welcome to put the wording on your own letterhead, OR you can copy, paste, and fill in the proxy letter directly into the body of an email to Elena Pennell ([email protected]). Please reach out to Elena if you have questions regarding proxy letters.
Meeting Materials & Resolutions
Meeting materials will be available in advance for download, rather than provided in hard copy. Draft resolutions will be provided by email to delegates.
If you would like to submit a resolution, please review the attached information regarding the UBCIC Resolutions Process as well as the attached resolution template for your use. The UBCIC Resolutions Process is also outlined at:
Draft resolutions and briefing notes, as well as any sectoral updates from First Nations
Organizations to be included in the kit, must be submitted by 4:00 pm on February 7th, 2024,
to [email protected].
A draft agenda will be provided on or before February 14th, 2024 and will incorporate directions on priority items provided by the Chiefs Council. If you would like to suggest an agenda item, please don’t hesitate to call 1-800-793-9701 or email [email protected].
UBCIC Contacts:
- Policy Director, Andrea Glickman [email protected]
- Admin and Research Director, Jody Woods [email protected]
- Office Manager, Mildred Chartrand [email protected]
- Registration Lead/Support, Angie Bain [email protected]
- Membership Clerk, Tracy Point [email protected]
- Proxy Letters/Support, Elena Pennell [email protected]
- Draft Resolutions/Briefing notes [email protected]
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