September 28, 2020
Dear Chiefs Council, sister organizations, and friends:
The UBCIC 52nd Annual General Assembly (AGA) will take place September 29th- September 30th, 2020. Due to the risks posed by COVID-19 and in compliance with the public health safety orders enacted by Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, we have changed the meeting from in-person to virtual. With our participants and the limitations of virtual meetings in mind, we will also be shortening the meeting by one day so that the AGA is two days rather than the typical three days. Please read to the end as this notice has important information to help you participate and carry out the business of UBCIC. All event info can be found on our website: https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/ubcic_52nd_aga.
The draft resolution package is ready for delegates and attendees and is attached and will be available on the website once you sign in. Please let [email protected] know if would like to move or second any resolutions that don’t yet have a mover/seconder identified.
UBCIC has prepared a report on “Concerns Expressed by UBCIC Membership in Relation to COVID-19, and Requests for Advocacy and Recommendations for Policy Reforms”.
As per direction, a draft UBCIC Hunting position paper has been prepared incorporating the February discussion and the hunting webinar and will be discussed at the AGA. It is attached so you have the opportunity to read in advance.
Please read through the important information below.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow and thank you for your patience as we navigate the first virtual AGA.
Andrea Glickman
Policy Director
Important Information for the UBCIC 52nd AGA
Detailed Registration Steps and Accessing your Zoom Link
- If you have not already, please register for the AGA here: https://forms.gle/B4bf6TVwdWH4TPRp7
- On Monday September 28th at approximately 4pm, you will receive an email with a unique Zoom link and a phone number if you wish to join through Zoom by phone instead.
- On Tuesday September 29th, the meeting opens at 8:30pm for registration. Please log in with your unique Zoom link, or call in to the Zoom number, between 8:30am and 9:30am. To ensure we avoid technical issues, please be sure to join in advance of the 9:30 meeting start so staff can assist you. Please reach out to Angie Bain ([email protected]) with any questions regarding registration.
- When you log in with your unique Zoom link whether on a desktop/laptop or a cell phone using the Zoom app, you will be placed in a virtual waiting room. Staff will “admit” you into the virtual meeting room, and then you can stay there until staff move you into the meeting room. Staff will rename you.
- If you are calling in to the Zoom meeting by phone only, you will be placed in a virtual waiting room as well. When staff admit you into the virtual meeting room, they will ask you for your identity and then rename you. If you are not registered, staff will move you to the waiting room while you register (as per first step).
- If you have a question regarding registration during the meeting, please email [email protected] and copy [email protected]. If you have a question about being reimbursed for any AGA-related expenses please email Arnold Peters ([email protected]).
- If you are not able to attend the AGA and would like to send a delegate, please use the proxy template. It must be put onto your Band’s letterhead. Please send in your proxy letter in advance of the AGA where possible to ensure your proxy is processed in advance of the meeting.
- If you decide to send a proxy and the AGA has started already, there are multiple steps that must be taken before you are let into the meeting. You will need to send in a proxy letter to Dawn Johnson ([email protected]) and then staff will verify you are a member in good standing and confirm your proxy is valid. If there is any question on credentials, the UBCIC Credentials Committee and support staff will provide direction. Then, your proxy must register for the meeting https://forms.gle/B4bf6TVwdWH4TPRp7, let staff know, and then get a zoom link mailed to them. They will be able observe the meeting on youtube in advance, but only once the proxy is confirmed will they be able to receive a zoom link. Therefore, if you would like your proxy to vote on or speak to a specific resolution, please ensure the proxy work is done far in advance.
Paying Membership Fees
If you are unclear about your membership fees, registration staff can provide details. Please reach out to Angie Bain ([email protected]) or Arnold Peters ([email protected]) with any questions. Jody Woods ([email protected]) is the point of contact for payment of membership fees and you can pay via interac transfer or credit card on the day of the meeting. You must be a member in good standing to fully participate in the AGA (vote or speak)- if you are not a member in good standing you will be an observer and will not be able to vote or speak).
Kits, Presentations and Resolutions
Kits and presentations and resolutions are in digital format available at https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/52nd_aga. This is currently being updated. You must log in to the UBCIC website (www.ubcic.bc.ca) with your profile to access. Please see attached instructions on how to create an account and access documents. If you require any materials emailed to you or have materials you want to share with the Chiefs Council, please contact Tracy Point ([email protected]).
UBCIC Discussion Paper Hunting Draft for UBCIC review
How to view the AGA Kit on UBCIC website
Declared elected by Acclamation Elder Representative
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